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    Fizz Over Fizzle: The Power of Adding Positives

    Change can be tricky. For many of us, the idea of transforming our lives often feels like a battle against the “bad stuff.” We focus on cutting out habits we think are holding us back, promising ourselves to stop this or quit that. And while there’s value in setting boundaries, what if the real magic lies not in subtraction but in addition? What if change is less about losing and more about gaining?

    I used to drink Coca-Cola by the keg—not literally, of course, but it sure felt like it. For years, that familiar fizz and syrupy sweetness were a constant in my life. It wasn’t just a drink; it was a companion, a pick-me-up, and sometimes even a reward. But as time went on, I began to wonder: Was there another way? Was there something I could add to my life that felt just as rewarding but aligned better with my goals?

    Enter lime LaCroix.

    I didn’t stop drinking Coke right away. That seemed too monumental, like trying to scale a mountain without preparation. Coca-Cola had been such a fixture in my daily routine that the thought of giving it up entirely felt overwhelming, almost like losing a part of myself. So, instead of focusing on what I needed to subtract, I decided to focus on what I could add. One day at the grocery store, I picked up a pack of lime LaCroix on a whim. I wasn’t sure I’d like it, but I was curious enough to try.

    The first sip surprised me. It wasn’t sugary or heavy, but it had a crisp, refreshing sparkle that made me pause. I found myself reaching for another sip, then another. Over the next few days, I started incorporating it into my routine. Whenever I craved a Coke, I’d grab a LaCroix instead. It wasn’t about banning Coke from my life; it was about making room for something new. Over time, drinking lime LaCroix became its own little ritual—a small, fizzy celebration. The more I focused on enjoying this new addition, the less I thought about the old habit.

    Weeks turned into months, and one day, without really meaning to, I took a sip of Coke. It was… too sweet. Too syrupy. The taste I had once adored now felt cloying and out of place. What had happened? By focusing on adding something positive—a habit that felt exciting and new—the old habit had quietly faded into the background. It wasn’t ripped away or forcibly banished. It was replaced.

    This isn’t just about Coke or LaCroix. It’s about the larger picture. Too often, we approach change with a sense of deprivation. We tell ourselves we’re going to stop eating junk food, quit spending hours scrolling on our phones, or give up procrastinating. But these resolutions focus on the void we’re creating. What if, instead, we asked: What can I add to my life that feels good, meaningful, and joyful?

    When we fill our days with new positives, we don’t have as much room for the old negatives. Want to eat healthier? Instead of banning every comfort food, try adding a colorful, flavorful salad to your meals. Want to spend less time on your phone? Start a new hobby that excites you, like gardening or painting. The more you focus on the good you’re adding, the less space there is for the habits you’re ready to let go of.

    Here are a few tips to get started:

    1. Find Your Lime LaCroix. What’s one positive habit you can add that feels fun or rewarding? Start small and make it enjoyable.
    2. Don’t Focus on Elimination. Instead of thinking about what you’re losing, think about what you’re gaining. Frame your change as an exciting new chapter.
    3. Celebrate the Wins. Each time you choose the new positive, take a moment to feel good about it. Positive reinforcement is a powerful motivator.
    4. Be Patient. Change doesn’t happen overnight. By consistently adding positives, you’ll find that the negatives often take care of themselves.

    Adding positives isn’t just a strategy for change; it’s a shift in mindset. When we view life as an opportunity to bring in more of what we love, we’re not just changing habits—we’re transforming our relationship with ourselves. So, go ahead and find your “lime LaCroix.” You might be surprised at how sweet—or delightfully bubbly—life can become.